So I'm sitting here waiting to sit an exam. I'm the only one here but it seems to be the right place. Hope someone turns up soon!
So anyway, I finally bought a dSLR. I can't wait til I finish this exam so I can learn how to use it.
Though, I remember some stuff from when Daddy let me use his Canon EOS from ages ago. An original EOS. Yes you have to put film in it. You know, the roll of stuff that you can't expose to light, and after you've finished the roll, it needs to be wound up and taken to a photo processing place. Oh, they came in cute little containers too. I miss those. Handy for buttons, pins, and other knick knacks. Anyway, I digress.
So I learnt how to:
- Hold and support the camera with my left hand and use my right hand to control the shutter (button).
- Remove the lens cap.
- Look through the viewfinder and zoom.
- Half press shutter button to focus.
- Full press shutter button to capture.
Now on the new dSLR, I know that and how to:
- Turn on and off. (The old cameras don't have on/off, do they?)
- Swivel the preview screen around so I can view my photos! (Cool!)
Uh, that's about it. I don't know what to do with the rest of the buttons.
I've got a lot to learn.
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